Client : Chia Tai Company


Client : Chia Tai Company

Chiatai had built up for Fertilizer warehouse in Ayutthaya with working area 9,800 for keeping raw material, packing and loading. We had construction for electrical system as following work detail.

Project Period - Sep 2014 to June 2015 // Contract amount : 24,890,000 Baht

  1. Engineering designed, supplied and installed for LV MDB, ATS, MCC and LP for packing, loading process and lighting for working area and land scape.
  2. Supplied and Installed for Generator Sound Proof Canopy for 2x500 kVA and control system to be back up for emergency power system.
  3. Supplied and installed for Transformer, Lighting, Grounding and Lightning System for warehouse area and land scape.
  4. Test & commissioning and energize power

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