Client: Hoya Lens (Thailand) Co., Ltd.


Client: Hoya Lens (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Hoya Lens would like to extend for sensity rx' production process which required room condition as clean room function including constructed new utilities system of mechanical and electrical system. Project period was Dec 2019 to Jun 2020. // Contract amount : 11,500,000 Baht

Our responsibilities were as following details;

  1. Provided engineering and design, shop drawing and method statement for installation of mechanical and electrical system.
  2. Supplied and installed for clean room class 10,000
  3. Supplied and installed for main power distribution and control system
  4. Supplied and installed for HVAC system with BAS controlling
  5. Supplied and installed for lighting & receptacle and fire alarm and fire fighting system
  6. Supplied and installed for piping of chilled water and tie-in to existing system
  7. Supplied and installed for piping of N2 and tie-in to existing system
  8. Test and commissioning , provided final document and training.

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